Missing something…

Missing something…

It’s the dark times again..
and although I’m safe under dark , now with COVID-19 going around, things go a bit darker than before…
For some reason this websites get’s attacked… from all around the world.. something I still don’t get, why me? why this website..
Is is something I did, I said, or didn’t say? What do I miss?
Clearly I’m not of great importance, am I?
Daily visitor count suddenly spiked two months ago..
Why? I don’t get it.. something is missing and I’m not sure what it is..

I’m slowly recovering from the last..
reverting to a past day, all was well..
but it gets to me.. missing things..
Things that make sense in the world.. but are never truly seen..

and yet, I do see them now, as they are.. in full splendor… in full view…

The beauty and horror of it… all at the same time.. a live paradox,,,

We all feel like we miss something or just feel nothing at all….

these are puzzling times for all of us, some can just cope better with some things than others.. or may seem to doso..
Just keep an eye out for one another, take care..

And for me?
I’ll be okay in the end.. if it’s not okay, it’s not the end..

1 thought on “Missing something…

  1. Wow Amy!

    I’m sorry for the things happening to you.
    It really shines through, the sadness is evident, a heavy dark presence.

    Hang in there, because people are locked down they do weird things, and maybe this is one of those weird freaky things they do.
    I know friends who do appreciate your art when I show them, and some may even visit our website.
    And I’m sure they are not the ones who like to see you go.

    So know this: we do support you, we love you and your work..
    Although we do not comment much or not at all , because of .. wel you know.. real live we browse randomly and see the images go by but never really looking or reading the text .
    So we don’t comment as much as we should do..

    So why do I comment now? Good question!

    The overal sadness of this picture, that triggered me to read..
    I really thought you lost your hand and because of that the website was down or unreachable for some time..

    Only to realize it’s you ‘missing’ something else and in your interpretation showing this through your images.
    I must say I like Vanity more than Kira, but they both have their strength in the image.

    Just writing that makes me realize although you are missing something you’ll still going on aren’t you?

    I mean, this is the longest comment I made and I just realized and that’s just weird: If I’m wrong please do tell me
    But Your images, your art, is you, your emotions.. your joy and happiness, sadness, anxiety, fears.

    Wow, I’m sorry I have to process that information and look at all the images again..

    So please, don’t worry. Keep going. Don’t stop. We love you.


Hey you! Yes YOU! Thank you for visiting. Could you leave a reply for me? Something simple and nice? I would love to hear from you. Love 💖Amy