I’m still here..

I’m sorry if you missed me, personal life took over..
Fighting my Depression while in lockdown..
Fighting my daemons only to find there was another one where I least expected..

I’ve won the fight, but left with the scars.. they will need to heal..
Things have changed too much, it will never be the same.. ever
So here’s to my victory…
Only asking myself is it? Why don’t I feel like a winner?

Anyway this is my first render and my first composition image.
Yes, I know I never do any post editing, but this one was asking for it..
You can’t see the tears in her eyes very well, but I tell you they are there..
And one big question in het eyes…” Why?”
I’m okay.. Heck, I did a render again.. and that says something, don’t it?

I will never be the same, ever..
but I will be happy again.. someday..
you just wait..


8 thoughts on “I’m still here..

  1. Hi Amy

    Happy New Year, sorry It’s a bit late. Just wanted to wish you all the best for this year, Health and Happiness.

    Lots of Love <3


    • Hey Raimund,
      Thank you. Also sorry for my late reply.
      It’s is a weird spot on a old post.. so got obscured, hence I missed it completely 😅
      But thank you, things do look brighter this year..
      New render just posted 😉

    • Hey Raymund,
      Thank you.
      I’m getting there, It’s hard work but Every step is one on my way to recovery.
      I might tell you in person what’s been going on, but I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t like what you hear.
      So I just say I’ve left things in the past that will hold me back, so I’m on my own now.. working on myself and going up to the sunlight 💖


        • Thank you Raimund,

          It’s always good to hear from you.
          Covid Lockdown was a very bad time, but I survived 😉
          Just need a little more time got get things going again.
          Much has happend and I’ll tell you later, in private. But for now, just smile and wait..
          I’m doing another Mae render soon 😉


          • Hi Raimund,
            Well, I just released another one, a composite of 3 images of Mae.
            I think you will like these as well 😉
            Oh and btw, mea-2 is in the portret gallery, in case you missed that one, and so is 3 and 4 😅


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